When signing up with Fone Dynamics, you will generally be provisioned with phone numbers; however, if you wish to find, purchase or configure your numbers, you will want to read the below article which will teach you all you need to know about doing this via the Fone Dynamics Platform.

Find My Numbers

Finding your numbers is a simple click. Simply click 'Phone Numbers' on the left hand side to view a list of all your numbers for that site/project.

If you need to search for a specific number, whilst on this page, use the search tool directly above the number list. You can also export a list of numbers should you need to put them into a spreadsheet.

Purchase Numbers

Purchasing numbers can be done in a few clicks. Simply navigate to the 'Phone Numbers' screen and click 'Buy Numbers' in the top-right hand corner of the screen. From here, you will want to search for the number you want (including country code) e.g. +611800 and click 'Add' when you have found a number you wish to purchase, then click 'Checkout' on the right-hand side once you have chosen all of your numbers. Finally, click 'Buy Numbers' to finalize the purchase, numbers and rates will be based off your agreement or they will use the default rate.

Configure Numbers


Once you have purchased your numbers you will want to make sure to configure them for use before advertising them to the public. To configure your numbers, either click on the Blue text or click the edit button on the right hand-side. Once inside the number overview, you will want to add an answerpoint; you can add as many as you like. If you add more than one, these will go into a 'direct fail-over configuration'. For more information on this configuration, please contact the FDX support team or for other complex routing configurations, click here.

Friendly Names and Call Tracking Tags

In order to help you better identify your numbers we have made available the option to configure a 'friendly name'. This name is something only visible to your account and will not show in the reporting section of the platform. If you did want some tags to use to help filter and sort numbers in the reporting side, we have four tags which you may specify. They are the Source, Medium, Campaign and Content tags. To configure these, enter the number as you configured the answerpoint. Friendly Name is at the top of the page whilst the other reporting tags are located at the bottom of the page.

Disconnect Numbers

Disconnect numbers can be done in a few clicks by clicking either click on the Blue text or clicking the edit button on the right hand-side. Once inside the number overview, you will want to scroll down and click on Disconnect, then a window will pop out to confirm the disconnection.

Click Disconnect again to successfully remove the number from your account.