This article will begin to educate you on the various tools available you have at your disposal in the Fone Dynamics Flow Designer, this page will serve as an overview for the nodes only, there will be a link in each relevant section for more information on advanced features.

Inputting Nodes

To input a node you must click and drag from the left hand side actions bar onto an empty circle as below, this can be done before or after existing nodes.

Call Node

The call node is the first and most basic of nodes, from here we can set our endpoints, these are the number/s you want to be called when your inbound number is called. Numbers are entered on the left with a custom friendly name input on the right.

NOTE: Numbers MUST be in +E.164 format e.g. 02 9999 9999 becomes +61299999999.

There are more advanced features such as call whispers, line hunts, random calling, fail-over and ring timers which are available by clicking 'More Options', more information about these options is available HERE.

Queue Call Node

Fonedynamics has implemented a simple call queue function to the platform, the feature cannot replace a full call queue function.

Add the call Queue node anywhere in the flow.

By default Fonedynamics provides a royalty free music segment. Custom audio can be uploaded.

We currently do not have the option for intermittent comfort messages or queue positions. 

Play Node

The play node is a very simple node which allows you to upload media files to be played to the caller, these can be simple intros and call recording messages to more complex advertisements and music. 

NOTE: Whilst media is playing using this node no other action is taking place. E.g. Media Plays then the call routes/rings, if you want media to play on call ringing, see Advanced Call Node Routing .

NOTE: Audio files must be in .mp3 and be under 10MB in size.

Multiple files can be uploaded and as shown in the picture above you may have these files play in order or at random.

Menu Node

The Menu Node is your traditional IVR (Interactive Voice Response) callers will be introduced via an audio file of which includes instructions for the callers.

E.g. "Thanks for calling Fone Dynamics, For Sales please Press 1, For Support please Press 2 or for all Other Inquiries please Press 3."

Once you have recorded your audio and uploaded the file in this node you will then be able to add options. Once you have added all of your options clicking save will generate the options as shown below:

NOTE: All branches must be completed before publishing your flow, you are unable to have an empty branch.

There is further advanced options which add the ability to alter the timeout audio, the time given to the caller as well as the attempts, more information on that here.

Time & Day Node

The Time and Day node allows you to route callers depending on the time of day as well as which day of the week it is, an example of this would be the Fone Dynamics business hours which are:

7:00 AM to 6:00 PM AEST Monday to Friday

The Time and Day is what is called a conditional branch node, it relies on some basic logic to execute actions, similar to how a coding 'IF' statement would work. If the time matches the range/s given then go down the 'Match' route, if it doesn't match, go down the 'No Match' route.

NOTE: Remember to use 'More Options' to specify the timezone otherwise incorrect time routing may occur.

Date Node

Similar to the Time & Day Node the Date node allows you to do similar conditional based routing but instead of occurring on a weekly rotation this will only happen for specific dates and times. Using this action you are able to specify range/s this is useful if you wanted to have separate routing for public holidays, you can preset a plan for the public holiday so it automatically switches over during the ranges you have set.

NOTE: Remember to use 'More Options' to specify the timezone otherwise incorrect time routing may occur.

Location (Postcode) Node

Postcode routing also known as Postcode Prompting or 'PCP' is routing to specific locations based on a caller's postcode, this topic is quite complex so please get in touch with the client services team to learn more information, or 1300 556 555.

Location (Zone) Node

Zone routing also known as Exchange Based Routing or 'EBR' is routing to specific locations based on a caller's exchange, this is another complex topic so please client services team to learn more information, or 1300 556 555.

Location (State) Node

State routing also known as State Based Routing or 'SBR' is routing to specific locations based on a caller's state, this is somewhat similar to the other two location based routing nodes but is a bit simpler and does not require any data outside of what is configured in the platform.

Click and drag in the location node highlighted below and from there you can select the regions you wish to have a node for, note that you can have multiple regions assigned to the one output node to save time configuring each state. Also remember to make use of the 'No Match' this will route caller's whose location information cannot be found due to being set on anonymous or from international calls.

Once the node is in place further regions can be added by simply editing the node and clicking 'Add' as required:

Voicemail Node


Usually, this node is used after a Call node, after a call was not answered. Also can be used on Public Holidays and After Hours. 

A Default audio or your Personal audio file will play before the initiating caller can leave a message. Once voice message has been recorded, the message will be sent to your nominated email address.

A screenshot of a contact form 
Description automatically generated


Go To Node

This node provides functionality to manipulate the inbound call to a different node of the flow. The Go To node can be used to create logical loops or redirect the flow. 

A screenshot of a phone 
Description automatically generated


Flow Swap Node

This node is used to reroute calls to another Existing Flow instead of creating a new flow from Scratch or make huge changes in the current flow.


Hang Up

This node is used to end a flow. Typically used if the user does not want to end a call flow into a voicemail.

CLI Divert

The platform CLI Divert Node allows you to configure your routing for particular callers, making the flow to behave in a particular way just for them.

For example, blocking that number from reaching the answer point.

Once you put the node in place, you can either 'Create' or 'Download Template'

If you choose 'Create', you can add multiple numbers and then click apply.

If you decide to download the template, you can add the numbers in the CSV file and drop the file in the box.

The result is the same, is up to you which method to use.