The Location Postcode Node allows calls to route to different answer points dependent on the postcode entered by a caller. The basic premise is to allow customers with many locations or franchises to effectively route callers to the closest location via use of a postcode entry by the caller.
Customers at a minimum need to:
- Upload a template CSV with at least one postcode (Templates at bottom of this article)
- Complete a 'No Match' Route
The template CSV will contain a list of postcodes as well as the desired desintation for each postcode, the 'No Match' route highlighted in red in the above is a default route for not-entered/invalid postcodes, timeouts as well as a general failover for any errors with individual answerpoints.
Optional requirements are:
- Adjust the introduction audio to custom instead of default
- Change the number of input attempts
- Change the timeout for inputting an attempt.
- Adjust the ring time for single answerpoint based configurations
There is two templates available for use:
Platform - Postcode Routing Template (Single AP).xlsx
Platform - Postcode Routing Template (Flows).xlsx
You can remove as many postcodes as desired however if a postcode entered is missing it will route via the 'No Match' route.
Postcode Routing Restrictions
- Headers cannot be changed.
- No duplicate postcodes allowed.
- No incorrect postcodes allowed.
- Numbers must be in E164 Format (no +).
- Flow Names must exist on the same project and match in the flow list.
- Flows and Single APs cannot be in the same file, if you desire a flow route for a postcode you must create flows for all endpoints.