The FoneDynamics ActiveCampaign SMS App can be accessed either through the ActiveCampaign App Marketplace or under the ActiveCampaign Automations.

This app will allow you to send SMS directly from your ActiveCampaign instance directly to FoneDynamics using ActiveCampaign automations via our Rest API.

This app will allow you to send personalised text messages to your clients and trigger SMS' when the conditions are met in automations.

Note that this is a one-way integration only, to enable a two-way sync you will need to enable the ActiveCampaign SMS Integration, there is a guide on this here.

To setup this integration you will need a FoneDynamics account as well as your Rest API credentials, they are available in the FoneDynamics platform under the 'Home' section for each project, please see the guide here for more details. 

To start, jump into the Automations section and find the action 'Send an FDX SMS to a Recipient':

The automation trigger to start the send out is up to you, clients can even manually trigger the SMS automation on contacts if desired.

Drag in the automation onto the relevant section and then a pop-up overlay will show, you will be asked to either select an account (Property) or add a new account (Property):

Linked properties will show up here for future use, you can disconnect them under the app itself.

For the purpose of this tutorial we will be using a new account.

Clicking on 'Add new account' will show you a settings page which asks for your credentials, you will need to enter your AccountSID, API Token and the PropertySID of the FoneDynamics property (Project) you wish to link the SMS' to. The credentials for these can be found in the FoneDynamics welcome packs or in the platform.

Once entered, on pressing connect a test call is made to authenticate your credentials, should this authentication fail please get in touch with us.

If successful you will then be asked to enter the Message Settings, you will need to specify the following:

Message Text - The message which will be sent to the user, dynamic Active Campaign contact fields are supported. Note that standard messaging limits and segmentation rules apply albeit are NOT validated or shown in Active Campaign, for more information on segmentation please see our article on this here.

If you are unsure if your message will breach a limit please use the FoneDynamics platform 'Send SMS' feature to check.

Sender ID - The sender ID can be any valid 11 character alphanumeric Sender ID (One-Way) or any dedicated mobile number on your account (two-way). Note that the sender ID should refer to your business or the dedicated mobile should be one which you own otherwise message delivery cannot be guaranteed.

The final step is mapping the relevant active campaign contact field to the SMS Number you wish to send to, for instance you may use 'Phone' to refer to landlines, shared rate/toll free or other invalid SMS numbers. Furthermore it should be noted that the number MUST be in valid +E.164 format with no spaces e.g.


It is recommended that you use another field to map as the recipient number, in the example below a new field for 'SMS' has been created and is subsequently mapped, if an SMS request is received for an invalid number we will attempt delivery but it will most likely fail due to invalid number format.

Clicking 'Finish' will finalise the step in your automation and you can now trigger the SMS.

On triggering of the automation your SMS will be sent:

Emojis are also supported, on windows hold the windows key and press the full stop key to open the emoji menu, you can then input emojis: