Our Zoho integration works using the Zoho API for now we only have one integration but may look to add others in the future.
The one we have now is the 'Leads/Calls to Contacts' integration which uses the Zoho API as well as call data to create calls, leads, and contacts.
How it works
Once the integration starts running, all calls in your project will be exported to your appointed Zoho account (connector).
From there, a new lead, call, and contact is created for every new caller.
When you receive a call, the call is logged as normal, however every 5 minutes it will look for a match against the Zoho records and sync the call against it.
The leads will display the unique call ID from our platform (LeadName), The number that was called (Company), the caller ID (Phone), FDX as Lead Source, and the created time.
The contacts will display the name (FDX_+61XXXXXXX), email ([email protected]), and phone (+61XXXXXXX).
Once you get a contact for the first time in Zoho, you'll need to manually adjust the actual information of the caller (First name, last name, email, etc). Once that is done, the following calls from the same caller ID will be registered with the same contact details.
The calls will display the subject (FDX Call from +61XXXXXX), call type (Inbound), the call duration and the name of the contact.
For calls where the Contact hasn't been manually updated, the contact name will show as (FDX +61XXXXXX). On the other hand, calls with a contact that has been manually updated, will display the Contact's name.
Setup & Settings
In the template section, select the Zoho Integration.
Click Install.
You'll see the Template will now appear in the Assets section.
Click the Recipe and then select 'Edit Recipe'
If you see the following hazard notice, please do the following:
Call Query
This step shows an alert notification because the connection to the FDX account has not been established.
To do so, on the window to the right, select "Connection" and add the required information to connect to your account.
For Step 6, you need to link your Zoho account. Select Australia as the Data center, and in "Advanced Settings" select everything.
Click connect:
Follow the steps until you get here:
Save and enable the recipe
How Zoho looks:
Calls (before the integration runs)
Contacts (before the integration runs)
Leads (before the integration runs)
Calls (after the integration runs)
Leads (after the integration runs)
Contacts (after the integration runs)
After the first call, you’ll should manually change the details of the contact with the rest of the caller information:
A call from a person who hasn’t called before will create a lead, a contact, and a call.
If the person calls again, it will only create a call, which is going to link to the Contact.