Platform - Admin & Reporting

Account Details
 In this page you can view your Account Information.   Account Number – This is your unique account identifier, which you can also be found ...
Tue, 6 Feb, 2024 at 11:25 AM
In this section, you are able to create and edit users. Helpful when you want other people to be able to access your account or certain projects. How to...
Tue, 6 Feb, 2024 at 11:45 AM
Projects allows you to add and edit projects in your Fone Dynamics account through the platform. How to add projects: Log in to the platform using ...
Tue, 6 Feb, 2024 at 3:53 PM
Scheduled Call Reports
This article will give your a brief overview of the Scheduled Call Reports, how to access it, as well as some examples of the reports. What are Schedule...
Tue, 10 Nov, 2020 at 8:09 PM
Overview Reporting
The platform has a top level overview reporting for calls within the set date range. The top graph shows calls through out the date range showing answer...
Thu, 9 Feb, 2023 at 11:16 PM
Reporting Filters
Reporting Filters The Platforms reporting allows for filtering of calls based on a number of fields, such as: The filtering has two layers, mea...
Sat, 11 Feb, 2023 at 9:08 PM
Exporting CDRs
Exporting CDRs All stored details of each call can be exports to a CSV. The date range can be changed to export as many or few calls as possible. Th...
Sat, 11 Feb, 2023 at 9:01 PM